Creation Date
The estimated creation date is not ~4000 BC (Hebrew Bible, based on Masoretic text), but ~5508 (5554 BC Gregorian Calendar) - based on Abram commonly agreed having been born in ~2166 BC and subtracting the respective begetting ages provided in the Greek Old Testament:
Adam 230 years (true age he became a father; not 130 years) + Seth 205 (not 105 years) + Enosh 190 (not 90 years ...) + Kainan 170 + Mahalael 165 + Jared 162 + Enoch 165 + Methuselah 187 + Lamech 182 + Noah 502 + Shem 100 + Arphaxad 135 + Cainan 130 + Shelah 130 + Eber 134 + Peleg 130 + Reu 132 + Serug 130 + Nahor 79 + Terah 130 years when he begot Abram = 3388 years + 2166 = 5554 years).
Gen 5:3 reads: "And Adam lived thirty and two hundred years." And he procreated a son according to his shape ...". It had been manipulated in the Masoretic texts of Gen 5:3, saying: "And when Adam had lived one hundred and thirty years, he fathered a child in his likeness, according to his image."
Gen 11:12 reads: "And Arphaxad lived a hundred thirty five years, and he procreated Cainan." The manipulation of Gen 11:12 reads: "When Arphaxad had lived thirty-five years, he fathered Shelah."
Gen 11:24 reads: "And Nahor lived seventy nine years, and he procreated Terah." The manipulation of Gen 11:16 reads: "When Nahor had lived twenty-nine years, he fathered Terah."
In total, 64% of the begetting ages in the Masoretic (Modern Hebrew) texts of Gen 5 & 11 are manipulated, and consequently only 36% coincide with the Greek Old Testament. This causes the biblical timeline to shrink by approx. 1500 years (~5500 BC to 4000 BC) and causes an overlap of up to 11 generations perfectly visible in all our Bibles.
But Shem did not outlive Terah, his great-great-great-great-great-great grandson in the 8th generation nor meet Jacob (11th generation -12th generation in the Greek Old Testament).
- Arphaxad did not outlive Terah (7th generation) nor meet Abraham (8th generation).
- Shelah did not outlive Terah (6th generation) nor meet Isaac (8th generation).
- Eber did not outlive Abraham (6th generation) nor meet Jacob (8th generation).
- The Masoretic texts are clearly manipulated.
Those begetting ages are confirmed by many historical (re-) sources, such as:
- Demetrius the Chronographer (225 BC)
- Eupolemus (158 BC; creation date 5307 BC)
- Flavius Josephus** (1c. AD; he calculated 5467 BC)
- Hippolytus of Rome (2c. AD; creation date 5502 BC)
- Theophilus of Antioch (2c. AD; creation date 5559 BC)
- Clement of Alexandria (198 AD; creation date 5627 BC)
- Julius Africanus (221 AD; 5500 years to CHRIST)
- John Chrysostom (4c. AD; 5000 years to CHRIST)
- Augustine of Hippo** (5c. AD; ~5580 BC)
- Alexandrian World Chronicle (~5-6c. AD; creation date 5462 BC)
- Isaac the Syrian (7c. AD; 5500 years to CHRIST)
- Quinisext Council (691 AD; creation date 5500 BC)
- Doukas (1460 AD; creation date 5500 BC)
- (Total average ∅ of 5459 BC)
* The precise quotations and respective calculations are found in the study 'Greek Old Testament (Page 11)'.
** Discernment is required when it comes to the teachings of characters such as Augustine, Flavius Josephus or John Chrysostom. Augustine was one of the greatest anti-Christs of this age, but he correctly opposed the secretary of the Roman Pope Damasus (which was Jerome at his time) for replacing the Greek Old Testament with the Masoretic text, and therefore causing the creation date to be changed (Jerome might have overlooked this while wrongly trusting in Akiva's Proto-Masoretic text; we only know for certain that he still agreed in 380 AD, meaning 25 years before the publication of the Latin Vulgate, with a creation date of 5199 AD).
Most notably, the Byzantine Calendar, used by the Eastern Orthodox Church at least until the 18c. AD, placed the date of creation at 5509 years (Julian calendar) before the incarnation of JESUS CHRIST.
The manipulated begetting ages are reflected in the Book of Jasher (not authentic), Jubilees, Samaritan Pentateuch and the Masoretic text, all sources easily accessible and to be manipulated by second century Jewish teachers (with Rabbi Akiva at the center of the manipulations).
The Masoretic texts are proven by this ministry to be decisively manipulated (although less than 1% of Scripture). Only the Greek Old Testament (Septuagint) text is the entirely inspired Word of THEOS (excluding the Apocrypha which had been a (retroactive) 'part' of both texts for ~1500 years, included in ~393 AD by Augustine & Pope Damasus, and only excluded in 1885 from the King James Bible).
The OT of the most ancient surviving Christian Bible manuscripts - Codex Vaticanus (4th century), Codex Sinaiticus (~350 AD) and Codex Alexandrinus (5th century ?)- are all Greek texts. The Old Latin Bible (Vetus Latina, ~350 AD) had not been translated from Hebrew, but from the same Greek text. For 5-6 centuries (2/1 c. BC - 5/6 c. AD), the Greek Old (and New) Testament was the undisputed Bible text read by the Greek-speaking world, until Jerome -who at first worked from the Greek Old & New Testament- established a precedent for later translators by using the Hebrew texts.
- 250 BC · Septuagint · Greek OT
- 100 AD · New Testament · Greek NT with 90% of quotations of the Greek OT
- 350 AD · Sinaiticus · Greek OT & NT
- 350 AD · Vetus Latina · Latin OT & NT (OT translated from Greek)
- 4th C. · Vaticanus · Greek OT & NT
- 405 AD · Jerome's Vulgate · Latin OT & NT · (translated from Modern Hebrew OT & Greek NT)
- 5th C. · Alexandrinus (A) · Greek OT & NT
- 550 AD · The Madaba Map quotes directly from the Greek OT
- 1455 AD · Gutenberg Bible · Modern Hebrew OT & Greek NT
The following studies include more details on those topics: