Sincere believers know that (Theistic) Evolution is not true and that a biblical creation day was not millions of years long -between one morning and its respective evening-, but very close to the 24 hours we measure today. THEOS Himself framed a day through 'mornings', 'evenings' and 'nights' (see Gen 1:5). He could not have been more precise, but we are still looking for loopholes.
Humanity is less than 10 000 years old and had its origin in 2 divinely created people, namely Adam and his wife Eve. No humans or animals existed on Earth before the biblically specified creation account, as long as the HOLY SPIRIT hovered over the waters.
- Luk 3:23-37, 38 provides an -unbreakable- chain of 77 generations from THEOS (FATHER of Adam) to JESUS CHRIST, but this by far most important genealogy is regularly ignored. In addition, 1 Chronicles 1:1-34 provides another -unbreakable- chain of the first 24 generations until Jacob, all perfectly tied together.
- If we neglect the first historical Adam, we consequently reject the second historical Adam, namely JESUS CHRIST (1Cor 15:45-47).
- Either death (the product of sin) came before man (Evolution requires billion fold death before Adam), or man came before death (Biblical teaching). Both cannot be true.
- In the first six days, each day is shaped by a structure: "THEOS said ... Let there be ... There was ... THEOS saw that it was good ... There was evening and morning ..." The seventh day is numbered like the other days, which is decisive.
- Why would THEOS wait billions of years for man -to evolve- if His main intention was to have human life on the earth?
The following studies include more details on this topic: